Upcoming Workshops
Bring all your questions and curiosities - let's build on what you want to know! Building off of what we learned in Part 1, we will work together to refine our asana adjustment skills in order to create a more productive learning environment for our students.
We will spend LOTS of time adjusting each other, sharing our discoveries and offering each other feedback. This learning laboratory will leave you with a greater confidence in providing safe and purposeful adjustments to students of all levels.
For up to date information and more about Shelby, please visit www.shelbylafrinere.com
To Register: Please simply call or email Shelby Lafrinere with your intent to participate and you are pre-registered! You can then kindly pay in cash or check (payable to Shelby Lafrinere) in person the day of the workshop.
Phone: 619.964.0313
Email: shelbylafrinere@yahoo.com
Teaching Yoga to Children
Past Workshops
Refining Our Communication within Asana Adjustments
A Workshop for Yoga Teachers
with Shelby Lafrinere, E-RYT 200, RYT 500
Saturday January 19, 2013
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Cost: Only $30 pre-register, $40 at the door
Receiving heartfelt and intelligent adjustments is one of the reasons that students come to public yoga classes - they are an invaluable teaching tool. Through this hands-on experiential workshop, we will work together to refine our asana adjustment skills in order to create a more productive learning environment for our students.
We will explore general guidelines and adjustment similarities within various asana, tools to foster greater clarity for ease in communication with your students bodies/minds - including assisting advanced asana, and the different types of adjustments including how to choose which and why.
Bring all your questions and curiosities - let's build on what you want to know! We will spend lots of time adjusting each other, sharing our discoveries and offering each other feedback.
Yoga for Cancer
with Jean Di Carlo, E-RYT 500
Saturday March 2, 2013
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Cost: $65 payable at the door
Cancer not only effects the body, but it also effects the emotions and spirit of both those with the illness as well as the people who care for them. Learn tools for creating a safe and accessible yoga practice for cancer patients, cancer survivors, and their care givers. Taught be Jean Di Carlo, a colon cancer survivor (and thriver!) and yogini who developed these unique therapeutic approaches to yoga out of direct personal experience.
PART 2 -Refining Your Communication within Asana AdjustmentsA Workshop for Yoga Teacherswith Shelby Lafrinere, E-RYT 200, RYT 500Saturday April 13, 20131:30pm - 4:30pmThis workshop qualifies for 3 hours of CEUs with the Yoga AllianceCost:$30 pre-register, $40 at the door$5 OFF if you participated in Part 1 on 2/23/13
Bring all your questions and curiosities - let's build on what you want to know! Building off of what we learned in Part 1, we will work together to refine our asana adjustment skills in order to create a more productive learning environment for our students.
We will spend LOTS of time adjusting each other, sharing our discoveries and offering each other feedback. This learning laboratory will leave you with a greater confidence in providing safe and purposeful adjustments to students of all levels.
For up to date information and more about Shelby, please visit www.shelbylafrinere.com
To Register: Please simply call or email Shelby Lafrinere with your intent to participate and you are pre-registered! You can then kindly pay in cash or check (payable to Shelby Lafrinere) in person the day of the workshop.
Phone: 619.964.0313
Email: shelbylafrinere@yahoo.com
Teaching Yoga to Children
with Kirti Srivastava
Past Workshops
Refining Our Communication within Asana Adjustments
A Workshop for Yoga Teachers
with Shelby Lafrinere, E-RYT 200, RYT 500
Saturday January 19, 2013
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Cost: Only $30 pre-register, $40 at the door
Receiving heartfelt and intelligent adjustments is one of the reasons that students come to public yoga classes - they are an invaluable teaching tool. Through this hands-on experiential workshop, we will work together to refine our asana adjustment skills in order to create a more productive learning environment for our students.
We will explore general guidelines and adjustment similarities within various asana, tools to foster greater clarity for ease in communication with your students bodies/minds - including assisting advanced asana, and the different types of adjustments including how to choose which and why.
Bring all your questions and curiosities - let's build on what you want to know! We will spend lots of time adjusting each other, sharing our discoveries and offering each other feedback.
Yoga for Cancer
with Jean Di Carlo, E-RYT 500
Saturday March 2, 2013
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Cost: $65 payable at the door
Cancer not only effects the body, but it also effects the emotions and spirit of both those with the illness as well as the people who care for them. Learn tools for creating a safe and accessible yoga practice for cancer patients, cancer survivors, and their care givers. Taught be Jean Di Carlo, a colon cancer survivor (and thriver!) and yogini who developed these unique therapeutic approaches to yoga out of direct personal experience.
Buddhist Psychology with Lori Stewart
Sunday October 28th 12:00pm – 4:00pm & Sunday November 11th 12:00pm – 4:00pm
The term “Buddhayana” refers to the ‘core living principles of awakening’ systematized within the body of knowledge known as Buddhist Psychology. In the Yoga Dharma, Buddhayana falls into the category of “Jnana” (knowledge) Yoga, wherein students may immerse themselves in the wisdom of the ancients that has been codified and carried forward through time by the awakened teachers. In this eight-hour course, yoga students will have the opportunity to engage the intellectual and experiential study of Buddhayana for the immanent purpose of self-realization, and the practical purpose of bringing healing and enlightenment to all they teach and touch. Students will learn and apply several of the twenty-six principles of Buddhist Psychology. They will engage in a variety of experiential practices ranging from dream interpretation to Buddhist chanting to Sufi mantra to the Aikido uchi komi.
Suggested Course Text: “The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology,” by Jack Kornfield
Professor S. Lori Stewart is a Professor in the Religious Studies Department at San Diego State University, where she teaches undergraduate classes in World Religions, Religion & Psychology, and Goddess Studies. Professor Stewart is an ordained minister (Cherag) and teacher (Khalifah) in the Sufi Movement International. She has trained in the martial art of Aikido for 12 years and currently holds the rank of Sandan (3rd degree black belt).
Saturday November 10th, 2:00pm -6:00pm
Here is an opportunity to take your teaching to a deeper level, where your students will more directly experience the goal of your teaching. When a yoga instructor teaches a class in a normal, everyday, scattered state of mind, the students are short-changed because they are not led to an experience of themselves. On the other hand, when the teacher teaches from Presence, the students are induced into that state and get a direct experience of the goal of yoga. This workshop includes a talk, clear guidance, powerful experiential exercises, and support to begin your journey of teaching from presence. Specifics covered include speaking with presence, centering, meditative voice, and breath practices that enable teaching from presence.
Intro to Thai Yoga Therapy with Anne Joseph
(6 Hours over 2 days)
Saturday July 21, 1:30-4:30pm & Sunday July 22, 1:30-4:30pm
Sometimes known as the “Lazy Man’s Yoga”, Thai Yoga Massage, or Thai Yoga Therapy was the medicine of the Buddha. Thai Yoga Therapy is a form of restorative yoga; a synthesis of yoga, ayurveda, meditation and massage. It provides a blissful magical hands-on blend of 90-180 minutes or more of compressions, passive stretching, passive joint movement, Harawork, acupressure, reflexology, trigger point, cranio-sacral, and shiatsu like techniques all rolled up into one treatment. This therapy evolved from Ayurveda and integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine, finally being preserved as it flourished in Thailand. Receiving Thai Yoga Therapy is like getting a 2-3 hour yoga session without doing any of the work yourself; the practitioner puts you into postures and massages you while you are there.No previous experience or knowledge required! Especially appropriate for partners. Beginners welcome!
(10 Hours over 2 days)
Day 1: Thursday July 12 12:30pm - 5:30pm: Foundations of Yoga Philosophy
Objective: Students will learn the history of Yoga, its purpose outside of physical training and how to relate it to their personal teaching and learning practice.
Objective: Students will learn the history of Yoga, its purpose outside of physical training and how to relate it to their personal teaching and learning practice.
Day 2: Thursday August 2 12:30pm - 5:30pm: Applying Yoga Philosophy to Teaching and Practicing Asanas
Objective: Students will learn to practice and apply yoga philosophy by learning the meaning of asana titles and the stories behind those titles. Finally students will choose a sitting and standing asana to prepare a script that integrates yoga philosophy into their teaching of the asanas.
Objective: Students will learn to practice and apply yoga philosophy by learning the meaning of asana titles and the stories behind those titles. Finally students will choose a sitting and standing asana to prepare a script that integrates yoga philosophy into their teaching of the asanas.